In 2009, this organisation made nearly $8 million (£5 million) from selling its self-help material and running its seminars and workshops.
Making self-help more helpful: A randomized controlled trial of the impact of augmenting self-help materials with implementation intentions in promoting the effective self-management of anxiety.
When she discovered that these materials were non-existent, she began filling the void by creating and developing self-help materials that speak directly to children.
These are organized programs that provide self-help materials such as manuals or computer-based activities that can be useful in treating eating disorders.
Organized programs that provide self-help materials, such as manuals or computer-based activities, may be useful in treating eating disorders.
Clinicians use methods to help people stop this addiction like self-help materials and simple cognitive-behavioral therapy.
In addition, each of the grantees offer many self-help materials to enable victims to become better self-advocates.
The American Cancer Society offers self-help material for smokers trying to quit and has a stop-smoking program called FreshStart.
Help you plan to quit smoking by: setting a date to quit smoking; giving you self-help materials; recommending drug treatment.
Volunteers offer advice on legal questions, provide self-help materials, and make referrals to legal aid offices and pro bono or reduced-fee private lawyers.