Visitors can also walk along a three-quarter mile (1.2 km) self-guided trail to view the pipestone quarries and a waterfall.
It's a self-guided trail that reaches the volcano, the sulfur deposits, and the hot springs of the Caulle mountain range.
Below the cliffs was a self-guided interpretive trail.
But there is a self-guided two-mile trail winding through a part of the prairie and along the spine of a steep hill.
Hiking trails include a self-guided trail around the fort ruins with interpretive signs explaining each of the buildings.
Walks Worldwide (01524 242000; Ten or 15-day self-guided trail in Corfu from £535 per person, flights extra.
There is also a self-guided natue trail.
A 1.5 km self-guided botanical trail starts from the car park with two gentle hills to climb.
After a short welcome talk visitors are directed to the small visitor centre from where they can pick up a copy of the self-guided trail.
There is a self-guided diving trail which was established in 1994, which is marked with a series of 12 glass plaques.