Most of his artistic development has been the result of self-directed study of art books, magazines, websites and various workshops.
The majority of Esperanto speakers learn the language through self-directed study, online tutorials, and correspondence courses taught by volunteers.
The self-directed study is done through Penn Foster High School, an accredited distance-learning program.
Through his self-directed studies he also gained extensive knowledge of history, theology and medicine as it was practiced in those days.
In his twenties he worked many odd jobs to support his self-directed study of poetry.
He also lived at Horton, Berkshire, from 1635 and undertook six years of self-directed private study.
LUGs are still primarily focused on hobbyist users and professionals who are engaged in self-directed study.
Workshops are for users to become familiar with online technologies to facilitate easy guidance through self-directed study and improve or develop existing skills.
Most students were given one or two periods a day for self-directed but supervised study.
For the first half of the day students work on self-directed studies or smaller teacher-led classes.