It's all part of Saudi Arabia's self-assigned task of spreading the faith, a role under scrutiny for helping transmit extremist interpretations in places like Afghanistan.
Opening it up and helping it move toward a more individual, freer playing style is a big part of his self-assigned task.
Buck had enjoyed this self-assigned task more than all the other cover stories he had ever done.
Wendy is determinedly cheerful as she goes about her various self-assigned tasks.
In his self-assigned task, Rieff had to read and publish for the world's inspection passages like this:
One of my self-assigned tasks is to view and provide capsule reviews for all 10 Best Picture nominees prior to the Academy Awards.
Hearing the urgency in my voice, Zak abandoned his self-assigned task of watching for intruders long enough for a concerned glance.
The earliest pieces, dated 1958, are studio exercises of the "write a sonnet about that chair" variety, self-assigned tasks set to keep the mind and eye alert.
It is Mr. Harris's self-assigned task to call attention to obstacles that New Yorkers with disabilities must overcome to navigate the city.
He was still upset with the man, still puzzled over his mysterious self-assigned task that had left Buck and Leah on their own.