The Government said the company selectively presented favorable data to suggest that Nasonex was better than Flonase, sold by Glaxo Wellcome.
Third, by selectively presenting the facts and failing to set out the full context of the answers that it claims may have been perjurious, the OIC has presented a wholly misleading picture.
Mr. Stevens testified that Mr. DeConcini told him in the phone call, "Bennett is acting like a prosecutor and selectively presenting evidence to the committee."
Upon learning this Loubser stated: "I think that [Thornton] selectively presents the evidence," said Loubser.
Alternatively, the lack of context may come from a particular group, in the national policy structure, selectively presenting only that information that supports certain conclusions.
Selectively presenting bits of his new album, "Avenue B" (Virgin), he primarily immersed himself in the raw power of his older songs, which transformed rock into punk.
He selectively presents articles contradicting themselves, or characteristic of the following lines of thoughts:
Selectively presenting facts and quotes that support one's position (cherry picking)
Sample processing/manipulation in order to selectively present that target in a discernible/measurable form to a discrimination/identification/detection system.
But if she means coercive revelation of therapeutic detail, any doctor who wished to hide things could merely present selectively.