It was the selective nature of the Republican mayor's report that was challenged by some of his critics.
Boycotts of sporting events are of their nature selective.
In view of the selective nature of the Félire, arguments from silence have little to recommend it, at least in individual cases.
This conclusion about the selective nature of close confiding is supported by evidence from a variety of sources.
The socially selective nature of population changes and the problems which this causes are explored by Champion (1989a).
Agenda Setting: People are influence in how they think about issues due to the selective nature of what media choose for public consumption.
It is to have shops of selective nature, restaurant, cinema, dispensary, police station, post office, banks, club and play field for organised games.
This point leads us on to an examination of the selective nature of law enforcement.
Negative priming is highly related to the selective nature of attention and memory.
Organizations such as Cap and Skull, by nature selective, and thus ultimately exclusive to most, came under scrutiny.