In fact it was a small highly-trained body of men (black and white) which had undergone the most stringent selection course.
The selection course focuses on sports physiology, nutrition, basic exercises, combat control history and fundamentals.
The selection course had a total duration of 17 days.
And with their brutal selection courses, special forces units like the 7th Squadron could easily wield subtle discriminatory powers.
If the bell is accidentally rung, the entire selection course will receive punishment usually in the form of stress positions or PT.
The training course attrition rate is high; during one selection course, out of the original 20 candidates, 12 completed the course.
A selection course may only be attempted three times by any candidate.
Upon passing this selection course and probationary period they then earn the right to wear the prestigious Green beret.
It's part of a gruelling two-day selection course designed to find people with the right qualities for a difficult job.
It is used as the first major indicator of whether a candidate has the physical and mental determination to complete the selection course.