The selection of entrees - or more precisely, their prices - contained a few puzzling surprises.
A selection of nine tiles is generated in this way, and must contain at least three vowels and four consonants.
The selection contains fewer small-scale works and, over all, a larger number of substantial pieces.
Surprisingly enough, this selection contains some real downers.
It's hard to believe, as the press release proclaims, that this selection contains "the most challenging and provocative American art made over the past two years."
A selection of his recorded tales, was published in 1977 but contains only a fraction of his output.
The selection contains the first and last victim who were killed by gunfire.
He's the first to admit that his selection contains no neat formulaic discipline.
A previously unimpeachable selection of masterpieces now contains first- and second-rank paintings.
Insofar as natural selection contains a selfish, competitive element, so too does symbiotic evolution.