On 25 February, 2006, Green was formally selected by the party to stand as their candidate at the next general election.
In 1995 she was again selected to stand for Labour through this time through all-women shortlist.
Morgan was selected to stand for the seat once again in the 1997 election, though this time through an all-women shortlist.
Often victims are selected by the killer to stand as a proxy, resulting from childhood trauma.
Henry was selected to stand in the constituency at the 1906 general election.
She was selected to stand for parliament by the local constituency party the following month.
Some eyebrows have been raised at the products selected to stand for two other candidates, both Democrats.
How proud he'd felt, selected to stand a flag watch position.
He was selected to stand as a list-only candidate for the National Party in the 2005 elections.
In October 2006 she was selected to stand in Corby.