The player can also select units and give them orders like attack, move or build.
Most notable is the addition of a circular menu for building quickly and a painting mechanic for selecting units.
This enables the gamer to select friendly units and buildings.
These antigens are extremely rare and are of little concern in selecting compatible units for transfusion.
Then judgment is used to select the subjects or units from each segment based on a specified proportion.
Some decided to select units they believed might soon be deployed to Vietnam.
The first point, which we discussed when we first saw the game way back at E3 2007, is the ability to select units by "painting."
By holding down the A button on the controller, which is the button used to select units, a small circle comes up.
During order entry the joystick is used to select units and enter movement in the four cardinal directions.
Speech is simply generated by selecting appropriate units from a database and blending the units together.