The jurors each filled out a questionnaire when they were selected, and answered questions posed by the judge, including some on their views of capital punishment.
Two contestants play a quick round, selecting questions by their point value (more points, harder question) in an effort to reach 21 points first.
Each independent researcher then selects and answers questions when they are available.
Using a simple form of artificial intelligence, the computer selects questions tailored to the test-taker, shortens the test, and displays results instantly.
Moreover, a C.A.T. selects questions based on real-time performance.
The second criteria recommended selecting questions with a sufficiently large set of potential answers (i.e. not asking "How many children do you have?"
If the question bank is large enough, TCExam may generate unique test for each user by randomly selecting and ordering questions and alternative answers.
The editor reserves the right to select and edit questions.
We discontinued teaching this strategy before our studies, because the Cochrane Library addresses only selected therapeutic questions.
Meet the Team: Small biographies for each member of the team, including their answers to select questions that differed every month.