That year parents, neighborhood advocates and school staff were given much more say in the day-to-day running of the schools, from selecting principals to picking out what books students read.
Several hundred schools will likely have to delay selecting principals or taking other important actions unti the Legislature approves a new bill.
Public schools will not improve until we decide to select principals from among our best teachers.
It gives 32 local boards responsibility for running elementary and junior high schools and selecting superintendents and principals.
Once created, the new new administration of Ocean-Hill Brownsville began to select principals from outside approved civil service list.
The superintendent would then select principals, assistant principals and teachers' assistants.
These councils would select principals and help develop school budgets.
But the superintendents must share authority with the local boards in selecting principals and assistant principals.
They then will begin training in how to run the schools in preparation for selecting principals and formulating school budgets.
Mr. Vallone suggests having principals selected by individual school councils, and then given two- or three-year contracts with specific performance goals.