Also, such studies tend to select healthier and younger patients.
They have also questioned the criteria for selecting patients (Schroeder, for example, suffered from diabetes) and the lack of adequate psychological data on the Humana patients.
Forrest classification is a classification of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage used for purposes of comparison and in selecting patients for endoscopic treatment.
It has to be pointed out, however, that we selected asymptomatic patients and thus total colonic transit times have still to be considered in the high normal range.
In selecting appropriate patients, doctors assess emotional adjustment, tissue development and bodily growth.
Online) in selecting patients with negative or 1-3 positive nodes for adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
"We selected patients with a high indication that the cancer was confined to the prostate," he said.
We have reason to believe William and Harper were selecting healthy patients and injecting them with beta blockers to make them appear to need pacemakers.
The medical staff will be selecting patients "with clear-cut Lyme disease, and who fit very strict eligibility criteria."
This variable was monitored because the decision to select appropriate patients for tertiary transfer was considered a process of care.