Despite this, the government will usually try to select one of its own for the position, if its numbers allow.
He was selected from a field of 40 applicants for the position, receiving a one-year contract.
Based on scores in both categories, a member will be selected for the open position.
However, if you ultimately are selected for the position, you will be required to provide an official version of your transcript.
He was immediately selected for the position.
In the end, George LeMieux was selected for the position.
Two pipa students, out of thousands, were selected for the position in the school.
From 1979 until 1981, he served as president of the American Heart Association, the first surgeon to be selected for the position.
He was appointed a provincial court judge in 1991, the first aboriginal to be selected for the position.
We regret to inform you that you have not been selected for the position.