There are also selected archival political and cultural articles and entries.
The journal provides online access to select articles for one year after publication.
It is a consciously literary publication, using a "blind reader" to select articles, poems, and stories for publication.
Search costs minimization by journal editors takes place when editors try to save time and effort by consciously or subconsciously selecting articles from well-known scholars.
Sorry, Shanghai Dan, but when you are selecting articles to prove a point, do try to read the whole thing.
Users can select articles based on regions, subject matter, or opinions.
On November 6, 2006, the Duke University research and development team was selected as part of the Scientific American best 50 articles of 2006.
Her first duties consisted of reading approximately forty daily German newspapers, selecting significant articles from them, and rewriting these for the Tribune.
His job was to read all the newspapers and weekly magazines, selecting articles that might be useful for broadcasting.
The organization selects articles, fiction and poetry from contemporary periodicals, records them on cassette tapes and distributes the tapes free.