Using pantropy, man has seized thousands of worlds that would have been inacccessible to him otherwise.
A year ago, there were gaping potholes, broken bones and a misery that seized thousands of snow-weary souls.
The police say they have seized thousands of rifles, pistols and homemade bombs and have closed down several private gun factories.
In addition, authorities seized thousands of bootlegs throughout Kuala Lumpur before the film opened.
United Nations inspectors have seized hundreds of thousands of pages of Iraqi documents through their inspections across the country.
It represents a new and partial explanation of why Federal agents seized thousands of documents, which they are still studying.
Peasants have seized tens of thousands of acres of private and public lands since the uprising began.
The Taliban could seize thousands of tons of grain trucked in by relief workers despite the air war, helping them sit out a siege.
Peasants who have seized tens of thousands of acres of land are digging in on their new holdings and vowing not to give up.
Shortly after the uprising began, peasants within the Zapatistas' area of influence seized thousands of acres of private land.