The government seized needed supplies and livestock (paying with certificates that were supposed to be paid off after the war, but never were).
La Tour burned the mill, killed the livestock and seized furs, gunpowder and other supplies.
An agreement with the hamlet's residents was made, permitting the invaders to seize supplies without resistance.
On November 4, the Directorate's guerrillas captured Korosten and seized much military supplies.
Torold flees from the mill as the King's men seize supplies.
Zainal's first two phases have been successful: the planet is safe and they have ships with which to seize additional supplies.
The Committee also sent missions to seize British supplies in the southern colonies.
Their mission was to seize supplies.
Reynier took the initiative and seized supplies from the local populace, leading predictably to a revolt by the end of March.
The purpose of the British expedition was to seize and destroy military supplies that the colonists had stored in Concord.