They spread about destruction, taking loot and herds of cattle, seizing prisoners and taking fortresses.
They also seized prisoners and vessels from the Bay of Fundy.
The Georgians seized numerous prisoners and huge amount of booty, including the Khalif's standard, which Queen Tamar donated to the Icon of Our Lady of Khakhuli.
Then Iblis would proceed with his plans to destroy Caladan, seize prisoners as involuntary organ donors, and forge ahead with righteous anger against the cruel thinking machines.
Government forces in Sarajevo said they had captured a Croatian military camp and seized prisoners in an offensive that also gave them control of an important hydroelectric dam.
A student group had seized control of the Budapest political prison where Bone was held, and processed political prisoners for release.
Bossonians and Gundermen were swarming through the camp of their enemies, tearing the tents to pieces in search of plunder, seizing prisoners, ripping open the baggage and upsetting the wagons.
The police were beaten but managed to escape to Marigot, without having seized prisoners or contraband.
This persuaded their followers to attack Byzantine cities, seizing prisoners and cattle.
They reached the top of the bluff 200 feet above the North Fork of the Shenandoah, seized a cannon and several prisoners and helped push the Federals back north.