Recalled for Victoria's match against the touring English cricket team in 1958-59, he scored 24 and 22, failing to seize his opportunity against international opponents.
Kuerten will have to seize upon his openings against Corretja, who is an expert at closing off the gaps.
In particular, neither the creditor nor private debt collection agencies may use force or seize property against the will of the debtor.
A candidate who seized the middle ground against a polarizing candidate could still win handily.
The Islanders seized a one-goal lead tonight against the Toronto Maple Leafs and then tried to sit on it for the next 54 minutes.
The student loan issue was one of the first that the Clinton Administration seized upon as political ammunition against the Republicans.
First you seize my ship against my express wishes.
In 1136, Baldwin de Redvers seized the castle as part of his rebellion against King Stephen.
Egiazaryan's Duma office was also searched and investigators seized paperwork related to the case against him.
Balls of black smoke boiled from the ceiling-mounted transporter assembly, and her throat seized against the smoke's acrid sting.