All the big oil companies have done seismic and geological work in the region.
We have completed the first phase of our contractual obligation by shooting 250 miles of seismic work.
The two maintenance projects would cost $84 million combined and the seismic work $160 million.
A final agreement to commit the companies to carry out seismic work and an exploration study through 1996 is expected to be completed in the fall.
Mr. Orton estimated that the development, including acquisition and seismic work, would end up costing about $60 million.
Panarctic began its exploration program with seismic work and then drilling in the Arctic Islands.
One of the objects of recent seismic work in Co.
"It was completely a wildcat venture," he said, noting that seismic work could not be done under a dense urban area.
It also fails to take into account that seismic work can be done on only one or two buildings at a time.
And the schedule for seismic work has been speeded, with the $23 million project scheduled for next year rather than 1999.