The energy will still be released, but as heat and radiation so it won't have the seismic effect.
From the non-military perspective, the decision had a seismic effect on the civilian community.
It created a network of stations around the world to register the seismic effects of nuclear explosions.
This way all seismic effects are absorbed by the equipment, whereas the structure is subject to low oscillations and consequently to low strains.
Teachers can then use these accelerometers to show students simple seismic effects.
Everything that happens seems to have a seismic effect on the standing.
It has to be properly designed to withstand the seismic effects while sustaining an acceptable level of damage.
The major epicenters produce a predictable pattern of seismic and tsunami effects.
Although the plays are of unequal weight and the production is a work in progress, the seismic effect is cumulative.
However, later data obtained using very sensitive, continuous, recording techniques offered little evidence in support of periodic seismic effects.