From the street, the house is seemingly unchanged and so unassuming it almost disappears.
Afterwards, taste local wine in Sirince, a village seemingly unchanged by time.
The interior was seemingly unchanged through the years.
This time however, all the other Muppets are with him and seemingly unchanged.
Unknown to Richard, Shawn continues to receive the vision, the future seemingly unchanged.
You'll visit a region that is forever England, seemingly unchanged by the mode.
They turned onto Highway 90 and there was the Gulf, its calm brown waters seemingly unchanged since he left.
As the reporter would be on stage, I was won over by the fair itself, all 400 acres' worth, seemingly unchanged in '95.
Seemingly unchanged is the sunny greenhouse in the rear (facing the parking lot), which is especially pleasant for lunch.
Beneath them lie more layers extending downwards for thousands of feet, seemingly unchanged in character.