With modern liberalism seemingly powerless to boost stagnating living standards in mature industrial economies, the more energetic response to the problem turned out to be a revival of classical liberalism.
Those feeling Tolkien thinks evil will win out note that it's left to seemingly powerless individuals like Frodo to face the overwhelming force of evil.
And why are elected officials who have staked their careers on the currency arrangement known as the European Monetary System seemingly powerless to prevent its meltdown?
Instead of basing its moves on speed, power and preemption, the Taiji Fist's moves are slow, "soft" and seemingly powerless.
A seemingly powerless figurehead, run by the committee of scientists-- but when viewed differently, perhaps the very person who ruled.
Kong had already destroyed two elevated trains and was rapidly approaching the East River with authorities seemingly powerless to stop him.
The hall-was strangely dark, and a glimmering from the ashen sunset, sifted between tall pines into the doorway behind him, was seemingly powerless to penetrate beyond its threshold.
The people, though seemingly powerless, can bring about change.
The authorities are seemingly powerless.
The Happy Mask Salesman pops up to take back the seemingly powerless mask.