During this seemingly interminable wait, we had the opportunity to stare at the wall on which the word "welcome" is written in 15 languages.
After a seemingly interminable wait, he was finally connected.
For seemingly interminable periods she was in an oxygen tent.
Get the whole thing over in a week or so and plunge them all into the seemingly interminable chill.
After the seemingly interminable election battle, most people have gone on with their lives.
In most cases, parents and children no longer need worry that treatment will go on for a seemingly interminable length of time.
But even the seemingly interminable does, sooner or later, terminate.
More than 500 people have been killed in the seemingly interminable Basque war, most of them policemen and soldiers.
After a seemingly interminable wait, Glass shook his head.
But no one spoke, not once, during that seemingly interminable wait.