Suicide and murder are recurring throughout, and more than one character is inflicted with seemingly incurable melancholy and depression.
The only disability that needs more exposure this election cycle is the media's Campaign Cognitive Disorder, a seemingly incurable condition whose symptoms are amnesia and treacle.
Because early in the campaign Mr. Quayle suffered from a seemingly incurable case of political foot-in-mouth disease.
This not only confounds partisanship; it suggests a Republican death wish on arms control perhaps as deep-seated as the Democrats' seemingly incurable urge to raise taxes.
The insanity of gun violence, a crippling and seemingly incurable American disease, had flared again.
The book relates Marigold's seemingly incurable jealousy of her father's first wife, Clementine; an encounter with a Russian princess; several attempts to be "good"' and a surprising cooking triumph.
Beef has seemingly incurable depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and/or Avoidant personality disorder, and considers suicide often, though no one seems to care.
To a remarkable degree, he has succeeded in making once seemingly incurable ailments vanish, while giving back to the Democrats the kind of well-oiled national political machine they had before 1968.
The program connects people who have debilitating medical conditions with specialists working on the front edge of their fields, trying new and sometimes risky solutions to seemingly incurable problems.
Dr. Hitchings is widely known for his desire to help patients with seemingly incurable diseases by finding drugs to treat their disorders.