's windscreen was filled with symbols and numbers, seemingly floating in space.
The two, after seemingly floating in air towards each other, passionately kiss.
I couldn't see Topper, but my face was reflected in the window, seemingly floating without support.
Sam whirled to see the mask seemingly floating in the wind.
Seemingly floating in place, Nouvel's creation personifies modern art's constant growth, evolution, and challenge/inquisition of society.
Instead, it was enveloped by a spherical hologram of the ship's surroundings, its workstations seemingly floating amongst the stars.
A large vase seemingly floating in space near a statue poured a continuous stream of water into a pool.
Seemingly floating within a large tank, this is the mausoleum of the historically significant emperor Sher Shah.
A series of ethereal bridges, seemingly floating in air, extend along one side of the lobby, connecting the galleries at various levels.
The mind seemingly floated in a place between reality and conjecture - where all possibilities are tangible, unencumbered by earthly concerns.