There was only the soft, seemingly eternal whisper of the jet engines.
There are too many examples to list, although that doesn't stop people from trying in the seemingly eternal forum threads on the topic.
After a seemingly eternal wait, in which neither of them said a word, a picture of a card appeared on the screen.
But older artists can have young fans, too; witness the seemingly eternal popularity of the Beatles.
The seemingly eternal winter was, indeed, nothing natural.
Iceland's seemingly eternal sun greeted them in a dazzling brilliance.
For one seemingly eternal but uncertain moment time stopped.
Real estate brokers, with their seemingly eternal, and certainly external, optimism are willing for him to be wrong.
Once inside, however, the same shoe is presented in a seemingly eternal array of colors, fabrics and textures (starting at $525).
There is, for instance, the seemingly eternal quest for warm, comfortable feet.