Life is strange, which explains why some seemingly easy resolutions fail and some seemingly impossible dreams come true.
Which is why a seemingly easy game in Vancouver has taken on some added significance.
The game gets hilarious as people caught off-guard on the streets give crazy answers to seemingly easy questions.
It's a seemingly easy measure, but one that has proved difficult even in mature democracies where the prosecution of grand corruption is concerned.
But as the political haggling dragged on, insurgents once again showed how seemingly easy it is for them to strike and escape.
And fad diets are always there, offering seemingly easy solutions.
He would lull Stich into complacency and lure him into seemingly easy break opportunities.
The children's seemingly easy compliance only made the stepmother even stricter.
But why does Maddux get all of those ground balls and seemingly easy outs?
Despite making hard work of seemingly easy matches, the team reached the semi final where they lost 1-0 to West Ham.