Maybe a shift of our scientific position may need to precede the solution, or perhaps simultaneous study of a number of seemingly disconnected phenomena may be needed.
Often incorporating exercises in absurdity, physical exercise, costumes, spontaneous nudity, and various random and seemingly disconnected acts.
Sometimes the subtleties of the web of causes and effects that linked their actions to seemingly disconnected, faraway events were astonishing.
It attempts to define a series of smaller, seemingly disconnected events that merge over time leading to a Wild Card-like result.
"I think of you sometimes when we're on a mission," he said, his brain seemingly disconnected from his common sense.
Thomas also wrote Curious Connections - Master Musicians and the Law, a study on the historical links between two seemingly disconnected professions.
But Ofra Levy offered some relief in her "Winter," a series of seemingly disconnected vignettes that looked striking and were often charming.
Whereas the career of Beethoven or Wagner was one long thread of becoming, Stravinsky led a musical life of seemingly disconnected nows.
Torn, seemingly disconnected sounds and shapes rose out of the icy mist, stood still, moved, and vanished.
The novel has a number of seemingly disconnected subplots that are not resolved until the conclusion of the book.