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When they reached the crowded part of the street, the same seemingly accidental pocket as before opened around them.
Rough, random, seemingly accidental edges add to the sense of the unpredictable.
The station's only means of contact with the outside world, a radio set, is destroyed in a seemingly accidental manner.
Openhearted, seemingly accidental, he is in fact rigorous and to an extent even controlling.
Sometimes there was a strategic advantage to a seemingly accidental tipping of your hand.
A psychologist investigates the seemingly accidental deaths of six people.
I manufactured a seemingly accidental meeting while he was away for the weekend in Kyoto.
A study explored the effect of seemingly accidental, inconsequential touch on emotional relationship.
Computers have come up with a pattern concerning several very odd and seemingly accidental deaths over the past year or so.
In her debut, Sam deals with the seemingly accidental drowning of a young girl.