That he should have found it with such seeming ease is the mark of a master.
But it usually took longer than this, and she couldn't help wondering how much of his seeming ease with her was genuine.
Still, even then she handled the notes above the staff with seeming ease.
Of course, few of us will ever skate with such seeming ease.
Even giants had not thrown him aside with such seeming ease.
Some of the things she could do with seeming ease were so confounding that it left him speechless.
The impressive thing about him is the seeming ease with which he prepares frankfurters.
But Miller, with the seeming ease of a man hanging his coat on a hook, put his wedge shot into the cup.
When Kasparov seemed to have him in serious trouble, he glided away with seeming ease.
But a story that, despite his seeming ease, exercised Woodrow considerably.