We are basically stuck here because nobody seems willing" to provide land.
Blackburn Rovers have spent £10 million so far and seem willing to lash out even more on overpriced players.
He said nothing, seeming willing to fade into the background.
He was no longer trying to be in charge of things, but seemed willing enough to follow.
While there is disagreement among the Europeans themselves, they seem more willing to allow some uranium enrichment, under strict monitoring.
He and Tika glanced at each other, neither seeming willing to speak.
The other is healthier banks, specifically those that have written off many of their uncollectable loans and now seem more willing to finance new activity.
For years, Iranians had seemed willing to forgive hardships, on the ground that the revolution was not about economics.
The hijackers have not harmed any of the hostages, and seem willing to wait for the government to get its negotiators in place.
Again I was agreeably surprised when neither of them rebelled but seemed willing.