But Basex estimates also don't seem wildly out of sync with other recent research placing the cost for an information-intensive 50,000 employee firm at about $1 billion annually.
The decision also seems wildly at odds with Mr. Bush's campaign pledge to avoid ideological litmus tests in the appointment of judges.
But scope clauses, a bit of protectionism that seems wildly out of place in the 21st century, make it extremely difficult.
Cwansi gazed up at her with that same confident air that seemed wildly out of proportion to the size of the person he was.
That seems wildly off course given that the Mayor is already estimating overtime costs far greater than his original figure.
While seeming wildly out of kilter with modern discourse, a similar approach can be found in theory on intervention in failed states.
The Scots accent and the Malurian visage seemed wildly at odds with one another.
The idea of the space program as a museum show seemed wildly and gloomily appropriate when I first heard about it.
Ten years after the Berlin Wall came down, such buoyancy seems wildly at odds with eastern Germany's enduring image of shuttered factories and stagnant growth.
His sudden acquiescence seemed wildly out of character, given his angry protests at the additions of Velvet and Sadi to their party.