Just three years ago, such optimism would have seemed unimaginable.
The dramatic events of the day filled many people with a sense of uncertainty, and what had previously seemed unimaginable to many had become a reality.
Little more than a decade ago, the idea of a democratically chosen president occupying that ground would have seemed unimaginable.
Last September, Palankandy began considering what had once seemed unimaginable - a spot in the Olympic Games.
Even a couple of years ago, the thought of Wal-Mart selling organic food would have seemed unimaginable.
Because of their disabilities, group interaction had previously seemed unimaginable.
Historians have noted that human sacrifice was practiced at the time, so the demand might not have seemed unimaginable.
To his contemporaries who lived in a Europe of division and violence, this vision must have seemed unimaginable.
After 1914, avant-garde artists began to consider and investigate many things that had once seemed unimaginable.
Now anything is possible, including behavior change that had seemed unimaginable.