They seem suspiciously out of place, especially when they start tinkering with the cooling systems.
In outline, "Earth and Sky" seems suspiciously like a television movie stripped down for stage action.
It all seemed suspiciously like the prognosis they'd given me at the Quackery.
I've kept telling myself I'm not selling my daughter, but at this moment it seems suspiciously like it to me!
But the extent and fervor of the operation seem suspiciously in sync with the White House's obsession with secrecy at any cost.
Suddenly, all Conor's explanations were beginning to seem suspiciously like excuses.
He turned, to see Drumold looking at him with what seemed suspiciously like a smile.
She hadn't expected this heaviness in her chest, this hurt that seemed suspiciously like heartache.
The men move at the same pace with us and stop when we do while they seem to eye us suspiciously.
Remo looked through the top drawer of the chest and found the passport under a thing in waxed paper that seemed suspiciously like a dead fish.