So far, investors have seemed skeptical.
Coming from Cranston, who until now had seemed more skeptical even than Weston, this seemed unbelievable.
Investors seemed skeptical and sent shares of Xerox down 56.25 cents, to $26.
Valnia Bloom seemed skeptical, and looked up at the cloud-barred sky.
Bud seemed more than a little skeptical, but Jack definitely didn't want to get into the whole story of how Mia was Teresa.
I must have seemed skeptical, because her expression became more insistent.
With customers seeming more skeptical about marketing claims, more companies are turning to testimonials from ordinary people.
On the monitor outside her eyes had seemed skeptical.
He seemed skeptical and never did show up.
The traveler seemed skeptical, but settled on a $1 "donation" for a paperback version.