Robert Kovsky, who works in the shop framing prints, said the officers had seemed hesitant, almost bashful, as if they really did not want to be there.
She seemed hesitant, but buried it.
"And there's something else, too, something I've been needing to tell you about" Scott seemed hesitant to go on.
She seemed hesitant but finally said, "I'm going to get some lunch.
Abramowitz looked ready to say more, but seemed hesitant, which was not her nature, Corsi realized.
Anders seemed hesitant, but agreed if I would sign a recommendation for release.
He seems hesitant to flesh his theories out with a specificity beyond gentle name dropping.
His arms around her seemed hesitant, and then he pushed her from him and eased her back into the bed.
If the Vice President had seemed hesitant or nervous performing his small part earlier, the President was no better.
She flicked her hand in dismissal and seemed hesitant.