All seemed well, except for the fact that the Enterprise was there at all.
He seemed like a model young entrepreneur, except for the fact that he never actually ran a profitable business.
At first glance the room seemed to be empty, except for the numerous pieces of furniture with which it was provided.
Everyone seemed to be getting the hang of things, except for one child, Mark Gaffney.
He seemed to be unable to move, except for his eyes, which darted randomly around the room.
They all seemed to serve themselves, except for the women and men who helped the youngest children.
The room inside seemed to be bare, except for a bed and a wooden chair.
No one seemed to pay the slightest attention to us, except for the occasional look of curiosity that flickered to my face.
There seemed to be no sign of injury, except for a small cut or two on his sober face.
You seem very like human beings, except for your size and your magic.