He also sought dialogue with the colonial government but was rebuffed.
From the project's start in 1994, the company, together with a Russian partner, sought an agreement with the government to set future taxes.
Other employers such as Argos and Superdrug are reviewing their position and seeking talks with the government.
"Western governments seeking closer ties with the authoritarian Central Asian government for strategic reasons have all but ignored the abuses," the report concluded.
Because of his Mohawk status, he faced discrimination seeking full-time work with the Canadian federal government.
After completing his studies in Montreal, he moved to Ottawa, Ontario seeking work with the Canadian federal government.
"We believe he is seeking a post with the government," said Hunter.
Their main fear is not that senior Kurdish officials will seek a confrontation with the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad.
A dicey legal strategy of seeking a deal with the federal government in return for little or no jail time?
Australia actively sought these immigrants, with the government assisting many of them and they found work due to an expanding economy and major infrastructure projects.