The other five don't use discipline or concentration to seek simplicity.
They sought simplicity and tranquility - central tenets of Zen philosophy.
Einstein sought simplicity as a clue to underlying truth, often referred to the "old one."
Neomodern art is a reaction to the complexity of postmodern architecture and eclecticism, seeking greater simplicity.
It also reflects a different approach from the one that has guided so much bland modern translation, which has tended to seek clarity and simplicity above all.
Rather, where her questioners sought simplicity, she saw complexity.
Lavish fabrics and embroideries abound in the show, but the designer said he always sought simplicity of cut.
Submissions were expected to employ the latest technology, seek simplicity, utilize natural resources and materials on the site and to look for comfort and adaptability.
And, contrary to popular stereotypes, seeking simplicity doesn't require that you become a monk, a subsistence forager, or a wild-eyed revolutionary.
Addressing the education of middle class girls, Darwin argued that amorous romance novels were inappropriate and that they should seek simplicity in dress.