Poynings' Law was a major rallying point for groups seeking self-government for Ireland, particularly the Confederate Catholics in the 1640s.
Why are aboriginal peoples seeking self-government?
The Kurds now hold part of the Iraqi areas where they seek self-government - autonomy, not statehood.
Four departments, Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni and Pando, announced in December 2007, shortly after the proposal of a new Bolivian constitution, that they would seek more autonomy and self-government.
The Southern Inuit of Nunatukavut (NunatuKavut), who are also seeking self-government, have their land claim before the federal government.
Until 1918, the Irish Parliamentary Party who sought independent self-government for whole of Ireland through the principles of parliamentary constitutionalism, remained the dominant Irish party.
As a result the region, and particularly Bluefields, the capital of the Miskito Kingdom since 1844, became a magnet for a wide range of Afro-Caribbean people seeking freedom, opportunity and even self-government.
Progress was sometimes painfully slow, however, particularly for those who sought immediate self-government.
Labour interests were allied to the Responsible Government Association in seeking self-government for the colony.
The Declaration of Independence became a lasting beacon for those seeking justice, human dignity, and self-government throughout the world.