After independence of Solomon Islands in 1978 a movement in Bougenville seeking secession from Papua New Guinea disrupted communication with within the church.
On Staten Island, preserving the status quo - or, at least, slowing change - was one motivation for seeking secession.
Under his leadership, the NNC inclined towards seeking secession from India.
Under his influence, the Naga National Council inclined towards seeking secession from India.
After the August Coup of the Soviet hardliners had failed, the Lithuanian authorities suspended the local councils that had sought autonomy or secession from Lithuania.
"Speaking for myself, my government, my party and most Catalans, we are not seeking secession," the 62-year-old politician said in a recent interview.
In January 2012, a press release announced that the OLF would no longer seek secession from Ethiopia.
Guided by the autonomous movement, the League rejected Turkish authority and sought complete secession from Turkey.
"I think in the end that people seeking secession are seeking escape, rather than solutions, to the problems in our society," Mr. Sanford said.
Generally, each petition seeks peaceful secession and independence for their respective states from the United States of America.