To the end of his life he continued to seek preferment, but the king regarded his pension as an adequate settlement.
"Majesties-I did not come here seeking preferment," Geordie protested.
He had travelled to London to seek preferment from Dr.Henry Compton, Bishop of London, but the bishop had been informed that in 'The Choice' Pomfret had advocated the keeping of a mistress.
He remained in his diocese, destitute and disliked, and on 16 December 1558, after Elizabeth's accession, he wrote to William Cecil relating his woes and seeking preferment.
An admired scholar, of exceptional powers as a preacher, and in great favour with his bishop, Joseph Hall, Boys was deterred from seeking higher preferment by an exceeding modesty.
He did this by publishing nine of his sermons in 1719, and in 1721, 1723, and 1730 he published collections of his verses (at each juncture a time when Smedley was seeking preferment).
The publication of fawning letters from Young seeking preferment led many readers to question the poet's sincerity.
Never seeking regimental or staff preferment, Colonel Chesney never obtained any, but he held at the time of his death a unique position in the army, altogether apart from and above his actual place in it.
He studied at Cambridge and the Middle Temple, working for a short time as a lawyer with his uncle, Richard, but soon sought preferment at court.
If a lad h real promise, he went to Balliol, if he sought preferment, he we to Christ Church; and if he wanted to cut a figure, he went Trinity.