"It does not make any difference for a people who seek martyrdom whether they are killed by missiles, tanks or artillery."
The Americans fought desperately only to live, while they themselves sought a blessed death and martyrdom as salvation.
The song begins with a young girl singing: "When we seek martyrdom, we go to heaven.
But among those seeking martyrdom, and among families who survive them, reason is not, by experience, what prevails.
She seemed at this time to be seeking martyrdom.
Are there any United States troops who seek martyrdom?
Yet he also did not actively seek martyrdom.
According to government sources and western diplomats, the Al-Qaeda fighters in the mosque sought martyrdom instead.
In December 852 a council honored those fallen but called on Christians to refrain from seeking martyrdom.
Bizos believes that this may have contributed to the avoidance of the death penalty by having Mandela not appear to seek martyrdom.