The only exceptions are for aliens seeking political asylum and those who seek legalization under the amnesty program.
Several activists are seeking legalization of pet skunks in the jurisdictions where they are currently banned.
In this online community, pedophiles view themselves as the vanguard of a nascent movement seeking legalization of child pornography and the loosening of age-of-consent laws.
To keep loiterers off the stoop, they installed a gate without permission and were seeking retroactive legalization.
He now seeks legalization for marijuana only and promotes "harm reduction" strategies for other drugs, a policy associated with reformers like Ethan Nadelmann of the George Soros-backed Lindesmith Center.
That same year, the Brazilian Parliament approved an amnesty, opening a six-month window for all foreigners to seek legalization irrespective of their previous standing before the law.
There have been indications in recent years that some within the Communist Party did not agree with the methods of the Patriotic Front and wanted to seek legalization and involvement in the electoral path.
He added: "We begged people to fill out the papers and seek legalization.
The Missionary Indigenous Council, a Roman Catholic group, seeks legalization of 10 more reserves, which would almost double recognized Indian land.
By then the Venezuelan leftists had given up on violence and were seeking legalization, but Leoni did not offer it.