It was not built by men who sought self-immolation or by men who sought handouts.
It boasts one of the largest free-roaming bison herds in the world (about 1500), the famous 'begging burros' (donkeys seeking handouts) and more than 200 species of bird.
While the first verse takes on affection, the second verse exhibits Murs confronting sucker MCs seeking handouts.
Musicians, Muslims selling fragrant oils, petitioners seeking signatures and homeless people seeking handouts would all have to stay 20 feet away from token booths and stairwells and 15 feet from turnstiles.
They emphasized they were seeking business deals and partnerships, not handouts or aid money.
The survey found that 60 percent of the 21 million recipients of Second Harvest food in 1997 said they had sought handouts because of a chronic food gap, and nearly 40 percent of the households had at least one person employed.
We are not seeking lavish handouts from American taxpayers or the international community - we are asking only for what is rightfully ours.
But if other clubs used the Indians' method as a model, they might not be seeking handouts in the form of revenue sharing; the owners wouldn't have to go begging to the players for a salary cap to finance their revenue-sharing plan, and everyone could be playing baseball.
In the late 19th century, after public relief was drastically cut in an effort to end "pauperism," private charity organization societies with the motto "not alms but a friend" promoted investigations to curb the "unworthy" poor from seeking multiple handouts and slipping back into dependency.
But as was the case in Vancouver, Administration officials took pains to present Mr. Yeltsin as an equal participant rather than as a beggar seeking handouts.