The particular circumstances of this Administration demand that a Republican also seek other guarantees.
The ministry was still seeking written guarantees, he added.
In the debate on the status of professional trade unions (that was finally voted in 1884), he intervened to seek guarantees.
Colombia is also seeking American guarantees for a $1 billion bond issue that would ease budget problems caused by the drug war.
Previous reports said Baghdad had been seeking financial guarantees that Israel would not attack the pipeline.
The program has enough money to guarantee $420 million more in shipbuilding projects, while 145 projects, valued at $4.7 billion, are seeking guarantees.
Whites, who have had a monopoly on political power, can seek guarantees against black domination in a new constitution.
Additionally, the players sought guarantees that no member of the new union would be punished for being a member.
The miners sought guarantees of an eight hour day and hire wages.
Mr. Trott said that one strategy he expected companies to use was to seek multiple guarantees.