I tasted her tongue as it wrestled with mine, not seeking domination but only equal footing.
The beast's reflexes caused it to seek equal footing for its hind legs despite the drawn reins.
Dish came over to watch as Deets probed for a crossing, several times checking his horse and moving to the side to seek firmer footing.
Though harmful for women seeking equal footing with men in the job world, it protected the majority of early career women who intended to marry.
I sought good footing, and my fingers found the woman's head at one end of the guard, the head that marked the female edge.
But today, Mr. Gingrich sought more solid political footing.
Tanar did not reply, but instead he moved off among the branches seeking sure footing and secure handholds as he went.
They spread a pool of light without shining into the eyes and without blinding anyone seeking safe footing.
"Your tact and discretion are most commendable," Grey said, seeking new footing for a fresh attack.
It also offers what is probably the least expensive way of keeping 3.5 million men off the unemployment roll while the economy seeks new footing.