It shall be my private purgatory in the years to come, my punishment for the vanity of seeking love at any cost.
Some in the industry say that distillers seek equal treatment at any cost, even if that means television advertisements for all alcoholic beverages are banned.
Offscreen, he was an obsessive and volatile taskmaster who sought perfection at almost any cost.
His early childhood was marred by war, the violence of which caused him to seek peace at any cost.
She enshrines the concept of power sought by any means and at any cost to others.
You seek peace at any cost.
With no ties to any existing alien or terrestrial powers, Krystalak seeks power at any cost.
Many northerners like Captain Mustafa are ready to seek peace at any cost, even if it means letting the south secede.
Some ministers advocated seeking a peaceful resolution at any cost.
This daring manoeuvre forced the Swedes to seek peace at any cost.