The nighttime businesses were putting out their welcome mats saloons, brothels, and gambling halls the seedy establishments that fed on the Gold Rush like parasites.
Conklin put down his glass of flat ginger ale on the scratched, soiled bar of the seedy establishment on 9th Street.
Elvis's ghost also haunts every room of the Arcade Hotel, the seedy establishment that is the film's principal setting.
In countless other movies and TV series, the motel - invariably depicted as an isolated, rundown and seedy establishment - has served as the setting for sordid events often involving equally sordid characters.
Dressed in an elegant white robe with gold trim and a medallion emblazoned with her martyred baby's image, she looked grossly out of place in such a seedy establishment.
Although the Dominettes had a rougher image than most groups at that time, and were sometimes hired to back strippers at some of the more seedy establishments, they attracted quite a following.
Adventurous diners must traverse a Khyber Pass of adult-video stores and similarly seedy establishments to reach Caravan, but their reward is a quiet, calm refuge where they can relax over savory kebabs and fiery stews.
From what they were saying, the fellow was one of those ne'er-do-wells who spend all their nights carousing around in the seedier establishments down by the river, and I guess his hands were a bit shaky the day he set the stone in place.
The protagonist is compelled to return to the Dolphin Hotel, a seedy establishment where he once stayed with a woman he loved, despite the fact he never even knew her real name.
The seedy establishment was sporting a topless dancer on a spotlit stage and a clientele that was ninety-nine percent male.